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I found my RJ11 crimping tool...

Like that matters. But a nice little non-sequitur can be fun now and again. Not all the time of course, as some pseudo-intellectual types on the Van-Goth list seem to think. It gets so tiresome... another wave of new users, another wave of unedited one-line gibberish, tell people to read the FAQ and learn how to post, get a bunch of petulant "I should be allowed to do whatever I want [because I am so bloody clever]" whining, rinse, repeat. sigh

Hooray for Corpgoth

I rejoined Corpgoth on Yahoogroups and posted a general question about the livability of Houston and got some immediate responses. It doesn't seem like such a bad place at all. The clubs are air conditioned and they have an underground tunnel system downtown so you can stay out of the heat. From the salary survey information I could find I am worth about $85 - $90K there. No state taxes, low income tax. At this point it is just a question of what kind of offer I will get. And of course I don't have the luxury of being quite as choosy now, thanks to the dot.bomb and the plummeting market.

Return of the Vain Whiner

(Hating Everything is Not the Same as Having an Opinion)

Wacky Old Stuff

So I've finally begun working on my new web site. It took me a while to decide on a "look". I've gone with using old notes and such from my old notebooks, sketchbooks and diaries for backgrounds. For my default background I found the original hand-written draft for my very first web page. For this journal I went back into my old diaries and went spelunking for an interesting entry - I found a good one: the day I first dyed my hair black waaaay back in the 80's.

Vain whiners

And now it is done. I ended up being a few minutes late for the headhunter interview because of the damn buses and traffic. Does everyone in Vancouver lose their brain when the sun comes out or what? Anyway, it went well. Hopefully these guys will be able to land something for me before I starve to death or end up living out of the wonder wagon.


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