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Michael R. Barrick's blog

I have to go to work. They do not.

Now it is getting interesting...

The spaceship is adrift with no power (scheduled maintenance) and I'm here waiting to boot the...

The spaceship is adrift with no power (scheduled maintenance) and I'm here waiting to boot the systems when it comes back.
via Instagram

Vidma says, "hail satin."

Today has been a bit of a write-off.

Malenky vs. U.N.I.T.

After completely borking this twice, I'm starting to feel like I just might finish it. I think it...

After completely borking this twice, I'm starting to feel like I just might finish it. I think it will be back to grocery bags for a while after this to practice and experiment with what I've learned here without saddling myself with the idea of making something "finished."
via Instagram

The difficult life of a one-eyed cat.

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