Sun, 2015/05/31 - 12:41pm
#dailycolonist1915 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
Italy enters the war. Germans make more gas attacks and the gas being used is identified for the first time. Mine explosion in Nanaimo. Not to mention a fair bit of weird local news...
Sat, 2014/09/27 - 1:46pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
Quite a big update today, lots of interesting things...
Wed, 2014/09/03 - 4:41pm
News from Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Instead of an image of the front page, I'm leading off with an article that a certain Mrs. Goethals will find amusing: "Mrs. Goethals Arrested".
• Fantastic stories of a second Zeppelin attack on Antwerp, dog-fights over Paris, and other aerial conflicts [remembering that most people around here may not have even seen an aeroplane yet].
• Russia has renamed St. Petersburg to Petrograd and asked other cities with German names to Russianize..
• Lots more...
Tue, 2014/09/02 - 8:22am
The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. As much as yesterday was a slow news day, today was a busy one. My selections are not a comprehensive account of what was interesting in today's paper....
Wed, 2014/08/13 - 9:34am
News from Victoria 100 years ago today:
- Map of the European war zone on the front page
- Great editorial about how the Colonist will not print and will not pay the Associated Press for unverified, sensational stories, which goes on to pan the American press...
Sun, 2014/03/02 - 1:46pm
In this tiny park in Nanaimo, which is actually the site of Nanaimo's original cemetery and called "Nanaimo Pioneer Cemetary Park", is the only grave on Canadian soil of a casualty of the Crimean War of 1854-56. The didactic plaque embedded into the wall reads...
Sun, 2006/08/06 - 8:24pm

I was just digging through my box of old photographs, looking for something in particular, and much to my surprise,
I found Waldo!