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You Can't Make this Stuff Up! or "I Has a Meme"

Thanks to several commenters on my last post I was made aware of this:

The text on the poster says, "Pedobear lurks everywhere" in Polish.

I Made a Few Extra Buttons

I made five (arranged in no particular order) extra buttons. I'll have them with me at Sin City tomorrow if anyone wants to buy one.

It's 2010

"8 + 1 = 8": What Passes for an Eight Hour Day in Vancouver

I'm not certain that this is a Vancouver peculiarity or is this a more widespread problem, but I would really like to know what happened to paid lunches and actual eight-hour days. The cliché standard working hours are, of course, 9-to-5, including lunch and coffee-breaks. Yet try and find a 9-to-5 job in Vancouver. What you will find is 8-to-5 more often than not, and despite the span of nine hours this is called "an eight hour day" by "virtue" of an unpaid, one-hour lunch crammed in there somewhere.

More From 1992

Cathedral Place (left) has only just replaced the old Art-Deco glory of the Medical Arts Building as a monument of fibreglass, post-Modern crap (can you tell I don't like that building?) There is no Olympic countdown clock in front of the VAG. Eaton's is still Canadian and spelled with capital letters. There are no towers in Yaletown and the Expo '86 site is still a vacant wasteland while Concord Pacific and the provincial government argue over who should pay for the site remediation. And if you look at False Creek at the far right of the picture you can just make out a white smudge that is the ill-fated McBarge, which now floats derelict in the Burrard Inlet. Oddly enough I happen to own a complete set of blueprints to the McBarge.


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