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American politics

Milli Vanilli President


How Bush Cheated on the Debate and Still Came Off Looking Like an Idiot and Losing Anyway

(source article: )


What are we going to do tonight, Brain?

This is too funny!

(based on this Bushism [Quicktime .mov])

Tu parle français?

Tom Bihn Bags of Port Angeles, WA. Their products are sold here in Canada, thus the French labeling. The official line is that the brunt of the joke is the president of the company, not the president of the United States. Suuuuure... and I have a lovely gothic-revival bridge in New York for sale, cheap...

Hiel Bush

When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History
by Thom Hartmann
Copyright 2003 by and Thom Hartmann*

Upstanding members of the "Coalition of the Willing"

Uganda and Rawanda... (just read the bold to get the gist)

Tribesmen massacre 1000

From The Times

April 08, 2003


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