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News of the Stupid

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Yes, despite his sweeping purge I'm still a member of Reptard's "Inner Circle" mailing list, probing the very depths of gullibility and stupidity. Ladies and gentlemen, you will be utterly astounded to learn that not only is the moon hollow as previously reported, but
  • the Earth is also hollow and all the polar explorers were either lost or lying about the gaping polar holes.
  • In keeping with the hollow planet theory, apparently plate tectonics is a massive conspiracy (never mind how well the coastline of South America fits with Africa)
  • in fact all planets are hollow (not too sure how that works for gas giants) and the mathematics of gravitational attraction are in error.
  • The moons of Mars are orbiting Earth as a sign of the apocalypse
  • Rh negative blood is a sign of genetic kinship with the ancient (reptilian) royal bloodlines (interesting considering my father was AB- and my sister is O- [which further implies that my mother, while Rh positive must have a recessive Rh negative gene, as would I])
  • UPC codes also happen to be a sign of the apocalypse and have "6-6-6" embedded in them, and, apparently, grocery-store clerks are "the beast".
  • But, really, nothing can say it more clearly than this (note the capitals for dramatic emphasis) ACTUAL QUOTE from a message from one of Reptard's trusted researchers:
    THE amn goverment, it's like...ok...hey prull all tis rap liek afrea

    51...i knowit ecists...thers PICTURES OFMIT OFR CRYING OT LOUD! you

    can't lien t o me mother fujvkers. nbut now ther moved on't

    ememver where..but theey diD! caue lke allihm...uhm..all...

    shit..all activity...yeah...allactivity has liek seased hte re.

    ykanow aht i';m sayin?

    buit yeah..FUCK ATHORKIT Y!


"HACK THJEPALENT"?!? Uh. Syntax error...

Oringinal post: