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Anxiously awaiting my deliverance

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I'm sitting here unable to do anything because the craptastic M$ Proxy (running on oh-so-current NT4!) is fucked up again. I'll be getting my interview time for Azure at some point today. I'm afraid I have no tolerance for people that don't have a practical bone in their bodies. Banks don't make anything and by and large the people who work here reflect that. The end users have no bloody idea how anything works (and I really mean anything, these people would be baffled by the inner workings of a toaster) and just whine when things don't do what they expect - no matter how unrealistic the expectation. Really, it leads one to want to provide a live demonstration on how a gas recoil mechanism loads the next bullet in to the firiing chamber automatically... "please stand in front of the muzzle and I will show you..."

Oringinal post: