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I only get about 25,000 of these...

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...and there goes another one. Another day down the toilet. I was pleased about just marking time at work. The patheticness of this is not lost on me. But I am forming a plan. I will not be doing this forever. With an end (meaning both a finish point and a purpose) in sight I'll make it.

I need to get out of this computer shit. I don't mind fooling around for fun, like this, for example, but working all day on boring computer shit and then coming home to new and equally boring computer shit (like having to fix a corruption in the Gothic BC photo database or annoying requests from my other clients and random nitwits that can't figure things out for themselves). I want this thing to go back to being a toy, not a job. I want an old fashioned ma-and-pop business not unlike my father's upholstery shop. I want to plant at least one foot firmly in the 19th century and leave it there.

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