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April 2002

For Hannelle

This is for "Hannelle from Amsterdam":

I think the post you are after is this one. It's no so much a critique of Icke (because shape-shifting lizards don't actually merit genuine critique) as an illustration of how a few "facts" can be twisted into a conspiracy theory. There are other posts along this line grouped here.

There's also this comment from a thread which I will archive


I am craving salt, starch, alcohol and nicotine.

Oringinal post:

I was wrong...

I was in Indigo the other day looking for a book I was meaning to read for a while and decided on a whim to pick up "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke - mostly so I could take better jabs at "Reptard" and "Son of Reptard". I ended up pretty much devouring the book - I couldn't put it down. It was absolutely fascinating, probably one of the best researched books I have ever read. I'm still not wholly convinced that Purple is in fact a reptoid as he claims, but much to my surprise Icke's book stands up exceedingly well to scrutiny. Looks like I owe Purple and Michael M. a seriously huge apology...
