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On the Value of Zombie Walk

Culture Jamming with a Meaningless Mob instead of a Pointless Protest 

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

As pertinent to the arbitrary detaining of protesters and bystanders last weekend in Toronto:

Today's Tweets

16:31:53  —  RT @MMartinJohnson: is wondering why they just let the cars burn? Why no firefighters? Photo opp? #G20
16:43:45  —  RT @yathehabsrule: #Toronto Mayor David Miller's legacy can be summed up in two summers: Garbage strike in 2009 and #G20 chaos in 2010.

Damage Control? Shades of Google China? There Ain't Nothing Money Can't Buy

I'm not sure what to make of this.

If you Google "vancouver 2010 mascots" (without the quotes) on Google.COM these are the results:

Top Google News result (currently a story on the Pedobear mixup)

Top four image results

The official mascot page

My blog post with Pedobear

On the Coalition and the Suspension of Parliament

We have a representative democracy. We don't vote for the Prime Minister, we vote for our local representatives. "Strategic voting" where people vote for the local party representative simply for the sake of which MP that party supports as party leader is the real subversion of our democracy. The people that are screaming loudest are the don't-get-it people that didn't pay attention in high-school Social Studies and voted for whatever nitwit riding on the Conservative ticket in their riding, regardless of that individual's qualifications to represent their riding in parliament.

We should elect politicians this way.

Where N is the set of responses in the range -5 to -1 (one to five stars) and P is the set of responses in the range 1 to 5 (six to ten stars).

Conservatives Don't Understand Freedom

When you pick up a gun and commit a crime you lose your right to be free.

From now on the justice system will stop giving you the benefit of the doubt and send you to jail for a long time.


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