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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Time for bed

I'm working in eastern time tomorrow and Friday... 6am to 2pm... fun, fun, fun!

Oringinal post:

I hate heat

I'll be damned!

Once again I must say the Internet is a strange and wonderful thing. This morning I was greeted by an e-mail from Georgia (the American state, not the Russian one) where someone wanted some development work. Amazing. When I put up my business web site I never expected anyone to even see it without my directing them to it, let alone any business to come in from it.

Not exactly high art

Bus Stops
Four second exposure with the new camera! This is very fun!

Oringinal post:

Why didn't I listen to my father?

Gaaaagh. This place is going to make me crazy. I need to find a way to preserve my sanity until I can find something else to do. Either that or I'll simply have to let myself go mad and run with it. There is freedom in lunacy.

I feel better now

I went out. I drank a couple Guinness. Danced a bit to Sisters of Mercy. Talked with pretty girls (how can someone have cute knees? I'm definitely getting weirder... oh, well.) And now I feel better. A small comment made a big impact. I'm feeling focused again.

Oringinal post:

Weekend Headlines

Yellow Yellower Yellowest
Globe and Mail Vancouver Sun


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