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Michael R. Barrick's blog


Son of Reptard defends Reptard:
> who amongst other things, believes that he is a reptoid alien,

Incorrect. He believes that he has some reptoid DNA, and that he has seen a reptoid, and that he was a reptoid in a past life. There is a difference.


I have a ton of really bloody boring work to do and I'm too annoyed and angry to even think about it.

Oringinal post:

Lynn Canyon

Turkey Stuff(ing)

To here are the turkeys on the Hotel Vancouver that I mentioned when I started this.

For Kim

Reptard's Rebuttal

From: "Purple Crow"

Date: Mon Feb 25, 2002 4:25 pm

Subject: TO: Kim McCann, Michael Barrick and Michelle M. (look Mom, no "VON")

I know you're here, so I know you'll get this... well, you know what I mean. I know you'll READ it anyway... LMAO :D Whether you "get it" or not remains to be seen.

Nominae Pater, et Filius, et Turkey-Baster sanctum.

A new thought for the Turkey Conspiracy©:

Artificial insemination is a form of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. This means that the conception of Chirst may well have be done with a turkey-baster.

Oringinal post:


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