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Ugh. The muscles in the front of my neck are really stiff today. I fell flat on my back yesterday,...

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Ugh. The muscles in the front of my neck are really stiff today. I fell flat on my back yesterday, because sometimes life is fun like that, and in instinctively keeping my head from whacking the pavement my neck got a sudden, unexpected and strenuous workout. No real worries, it's not a sprain or whiplash or anything like that—just plain-old, vanilla, lactic acid muscle stiffness that will probably be worse tomorrow then gone by Friday. Annoying nonetheless since the only reason I wound up on the ground was trying *not* to look old and feeble and making it a thousand times more embarrassing. Also, you may be old when, instead of laughing at your fall, the undergrad university students nearby shriek in horror and ask if you need them to call for help. via Instagram