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Looking into the valley in the Carpathians that my paternal ancestors are from, I wanted to find...

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Looking into the valley in the Carpathians that my paternal ancestors are from, I wanted to find the name of the valley. The mountains to the north have a lovely poetic name, «Полонинський Бескид» ("Polonynskyi Beskyd") which is one of those lovely doubled-up names that happen when the meaning of the old name is lost in time. "Polonynskyi" means "meadowed" and "Beskyd" is an ancient name for the mountain range that's so old that meaning and etymology is lost. The best guess is a word from a Paleo-Balkan language that died out a couple thousand years ago that meant, "meadowed mountains". Wonderfully redundant. The mountains to the south are «Вигорлат» ("Vihorlat"), which means "burned forests". And so what ancient and poetic name does this valley in the middle of the Carpathians between the "meadowed mountains" and the "mountains of the burned forests" get? «Внутрішньо-Карпатська долина» "Inner Carpathian Valley". Now, "Carpathian" derives from a root that means "mountain" (it shows up in English in "escarpment"). Ultimately the name of the valley boils down to "valley in the mountains."