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On the Application of Good Manners

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How can you know if something is good manners or not in the absence of anyone to tell you? It is simple, really. Ask yourself, “What if everyone else were doing this at the same time?” and imagine the consequence. For example:

1.) Everyone on the bus simultaneously screeching their own impression of Fran Drescher being attacked by a harbour seal into their phone vs. everyone on the bus reading or listening to their headphones at a moderate volume.

2.) Everyone walking in a straight line on the sidewalk without ever stepping aside for anyone else or standing in a large group blocking the sidewalk entirely vs. everyone stepping one step aside for each other and moving out of the way if standing still.

3.) Every individual on a crowded sidewalk on a rainy day carrying 2-metre wide golf umbrellas vs. everyone carrying 1 metre wide personal umbrella.

4.) Everyone holding up a full-sized iPad to take pictures and video at a concert vs. everyone actually watching the concert.


See how this works?
