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That's just today. What we accomplished today was replacing one style sheet with another which finished off establishing that none of my customizations were at fault, that in fact it is the core application that is broken. This is followed by explaining several times that the application is broken. Then explaining that "it's not my code, it is the application" means "call Microsoft". In his most recent e-mail he started asking questions about basic functionality of the application. I was tempted to simply reply, "RTFM. Fuck off."

While that remains the gist of my reply, I chose to word it a little more diplomatically out of deference to my old boss whom I still may want a reference from at some point. Nonetheless, while making several hundred dollars on my lunch hour has some merit, I really can't put a price on the Doctor's ability to exceed my patience and irritate the living shit out of me. I wouldn't work with this idiot again for all the tea, silk, opium, cheap factory labour, and bargain-basement hookers in China.

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