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Games to Play on Transit #7

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When I was about 12 or so I read a series of thirteen short stories. The stories themselves didn't stick with me, but the prologue to them did.

The author explained that he had been on a flight from Capetown to Cairo in the 1970's and the plane had stopped for refuelling in Uganda (which was under Idi Amin at the time). On the tarmack, in the hottest part of the afternoon, was a white woman and boy of about twelve. The woman was wearing an elegant evening dress and the boy was wearing a tuxedo.

It was, of course, so odd that the author wondered what brought these two people to this place at this time, dressed as they were. He wished that there was some who could explain it to him. Then he realised that it was such an unusual situation that he would have accepted any remotely reasonable explaination -- so he wrote 13 of his own.

The game then, is to pick someone out of the crowd and make up a story about why they are there. Make up lives for the people you gave names to in the last game.

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