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On the Job Front

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The symptoms of burn-out:
  • Chronic fatigue: exhaustion, tiredness, a sense of being physically run down
  • Anger at those making demands. Self-criticism for putting up with the demands
  • Cynicism, negativity, and irritability
  • Exploding easily at seemingly inconsequential things
  • Frequent headaches and gastrointestinal disturbances
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Sleeplessness and depression
  • Feelings of helplessness
  • Increased degree of risk taking
I'm 9/9. Come tomorrow I will be two months away from the end of this job. I've been letting my job-search slip lately because I am burned-out. I wish I had some time to recouperate and get my head together, but instead my slate is being filled with a list of projects that I have little to no interest in doing and far too little remaining time to complete even if I was inclined and willing to throw myself into the projects whole-heartedly. And while I need the work I find myself dreading the prospect of having my time here extended.

I took a professional assessment test along the lines of those career aptitude tests you get in high-school, only a little more rigorous in that this was designed not just around aptitude, but experience and motivation as well. My top seven carreer areas came out to be:

  1. Creative Art Work
  2. Trade Management (i.e. organizing and overseeing craftmen)
  3. Photography
  4. Artistic Restoration
  5. Decorating and Design
  6. Costuming/Tailoring, and
  7. Accounting
It all points toward the store idea, doesn't it? So I find myself wondering why I'm not moving on that.

I need some encouragement. I need something to get charged up about. Pulling the Convergence 12 bid together was good for that.

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