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Aesop's Fables

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Just a little note about Aesop's Fables: They were written sometime around 3000 years ago in ancient Greece-- where sheep herding was a common way of life. The animal that eats your flock before you can is going to be the bad guy. Nonetheless, "The Wolf and the Lamb" is a parable that, for example, could apply to Iraq:

"I will invade because you will not allow the weapons inspectors."

"I have allowed the inspections."

"I will invade because the inspectors will find weapons you are not allowed to have."

"The inspectors have found no weapons."

"I know you have the weapons because I sold them to you."

"I destroyed them."

"I will invade because you are in league with my other enemy."

"Your other enemy loathes me."

"I will invade to free your people because you are not fit to rule them."

"You placed me in power."


Any excuse will serve a tyrant.

It's not about wolves and sheep, it's a parable. Because it is allegorical what you make of it depends on context and how you want to see it, but it's not made up, it's three millenia old. I see proof that there is nothing new under the sun.

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