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To further this post the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 490 points today. Further proof that the bottom 3-4% - no matter how many individuals that may be - don't matter for squat in the big picture.

And here is a fun related thought: in my opinion the stock market, so often touted as the very epitome of capitalism, is closer to Marxism than Soviet Socialism ever was. Stock is ownership, and what better way for the workers to control the means of production other than direct ownership? Sure the distribution isn't even, but a company with good stock-option incentives offers a more practicable means of distributing ownership amongst the workers than any state-owned factory could ever approach. Privately-owned enterprise that is not accountable to shareholders is much closer to pure capitalism. Its the shareholders of the Enrons and Wordcoms of America that have fucked up by not demanding the accountability of their "elected" officials (stockholders can make or break the CEO of any public company - and just look at that word: public). But then these are the same "shareholders" in the U.S. federal government, and just look at the no-account nitwit they've put in the "CEO's chair" of that corporation.

Here he is denouncing Sharon for dropping a bomb on a terrorist and inadvertently taking out some civilians, meanwhile he's off bombing allies, innocent wedding parties, and who knows what else on his own terrorist hunt. Hypocritical bloody moron.

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