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It's True

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"The only thing worse than having a job is looking for a job"

I'm rather tired today. Nothing but phone calls, research, pouring over job sites, mailing out résumés and all that fun stuff, with a little accounting thrown in for good measure. Don't get me wrong, I'm coming up on two full years of independent consulting, and I am damn proud of it (the bank job was just a contract, after all, regardless of my intention of staying on when the contract was up - their loss... statistics show it costs between 50% and 100% of the worker's annual salary to replace a skilled worker).

I might be a little worried right now, but the fact is I have a swank apartment in a very posh neighbourhood and I've been getting by doing just what I am doing now. And it's light-years away stealing bread and running a rickshaw, selling jewellery on the street in the rain, or some of the other creative things I have done for food and shelter.

I really have to relax a bit. Quoth my (fictional) childhood hero, "As long as there is life, there is hope."

(And huge bonus points to anybody who recognizes the quote)

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