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Good is Good, But Not Great.

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I finally heard back from Azure, I didn't get it. They went with someone less technical and more of an administrator. At least that is the official word. I know what really happened. They couldn't compete with what the bank is paying me. <sarcasm>What a let-down. I guess I'll have to suffer with shorter hours and more pay.</sarcasm>

The only thing I really don't like about my job is trying to describe it to people.

"I'm a Lotus Domino programmer for the largest bank in the world," I say.

Their eyes start to glaze over.

I explain further, "I write applications for their intranet."

Their eyes glaze over even more.

I sigh and say, "I like it because the money is good and I can leave it behind at the end of the day and go home and paint."

That they understand.

I need to get my ass out to more arts events.

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