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This is disturbing

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I think that I must be good at my job or something. I was included in a meeting about a fairly serious problem the bank is having with a couple of their e-mail servers. Without meaning to I kind of took over the meeting (I warned them at my interview that I have a tendency to do that) and ended up heavily influencing the plan to resolve the issue. What's interesting about this is that the other two developers that have been there longer were not brought into the meeting. I was the most "junior" person in the meeting.

It pays (literally) to know how to think and speak. Toss some creativity on top of that and it doesn't take long to find real solutions that work. For example, it took me 5 minutes to "solve" the Rubic's Cube the first time I saw one: turn one side half way, pry up the middle piece, disassemble the cube then reassemble "solved".

In real life you can look in the book, and the faster, easier way isn't cheating, it's just a better solution.

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