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July 2011

The Nightclub: My Studio and My Studium

There are so many genres of photography and these days everyone is a photographer. It is not an arcane craft requiring special knowledge and difficult to attain materials and equipment as it was a century ago. The challenge in an overcrowded field is differentiating oneself. The real work is not that one nice shot that holds someone's attention for a few minutes anymore, but creating a body of work that stands apart.

Gothnic II #6, 2011
35mm stereoscopic photograph, digital animation from 35mm film, photograph.

Stop me if you've heard this one before...

Apparently the Urban Culture Conference and Awards is having slower ticket sales than they expected. How do I know this? Because they have trotted out the 'Vancouver sucks' card, and I quote, "Vancouver has had an historic reputation for lacking the community spirit necessary for a festival like the one we planned." Really?

Gothnic II #5, 2011
35mm stereoscopic photograph, digital animation from 35mm film, photograph.

Gothnic II #2, 2011
35mm stereoscopic photograph, digital animation from 35mm film, photograph.

Fanboy Confessional - Steampunk Edition

Here is the Vancouver segment of Space Channel's "Fanboy Confessional - Steampunk Edition." I can be seen playing croquet at 3:00 and I'm featured running my photo-booth at 4:34. Phoenix Black, "We have a photo booth in the back with a local photographer who is really very, very good."

[Gothic BC] Gothic BC, Here Through It All

alt.gothic,, onelist, eGroups, YahooGroups, MSN, LiveJournal, friendster, Tribe, VampireFreaks, mySpace, facebook, Google+

110625 Sin City, 2011
14 images
digital photograph, photograph.
