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Regular Hours

Nice bloody morning. This whole "regular hours" thing is going to be an adjustment. I feel like I have jet-lag. I forgot to turn on my alarm for the second time this week. The first time was my first day. By sheer fluke I managed to wake up on time that day, but no such luck today. I rolled over and saw to my horror that it was 7:45. As it turns out my boss rolled in an hour and half late and one of my co-workers isn't even here yet thanks to the escalation of the transit strike.

Less than thrilled

Third day at the new job and I am bored silly. I'm sitting here inventing ways to update my LiveJournal without it leaving a trace in the proxy logs. So the best I can think of right now is using a word file on a floppy that I can take with me and then cut and paste into my Live Journal later. I'll have to think of something better later.

Oringinal post:

La la la... yawn.

What an ordinary day I had. In an ordinary building filled with ordinary people doing ordinary things so I can pay the rent and feed that cats. How thrilling.

Oringinal post:

Somebody turned over the Death card.

Everything is changing. Tomorrow at 8am I start the new job (well, it is a six month contract, but that's just picking nits), also tomorrow my divorce is final and that chapter of my life is over, and I got some rather disappointing news from Ivana. She has decided to move to Kelowna. Now I'm very glad I went out and celebrated last night, because now I am bummed, to put it mildly. I can't argue with any of her reasons for wanting to move, in fact I agree with all of them. *shrug* What can I do?

Still working

I didn't get as far as I wanted yesterday and something is screwy with my accounting software. Grrr.

Here's today's comic. I love this one. It's eight years old but it is still bang-on.

Oringinal post:


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