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I'm excessively tired and everything is annoying, so I am going to rant about something that...

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I'm excessively tired and everything is annoying, so I am going to rant about something that doesn't really matter that much, but irks me nonetheless. I was reading something that had the phrase "quantum thought." The magical use of "quantum" makes me cringe. A quantum is a concept like the original ancient Greek idea of the atom, the minimum amount of something for it to be the something it is. For example photon is a quantum of light. So what the fuck is a quantum thought? Two neurons rubbing together? (The image is a drawing of neurons by Santiago Ramón y Cajal.) For that matter, what the fuck is a "quantum leap"? The last step Achilles makes before he catches up with Xeno's tortoise? Seriously, people latch onto the word "quantum" because it sounds sciencey with that Latin "-um" and the exotic Q and get all magic fluffy dingbat about it and parrot other magic fluffy dingbat guano like it means something profound. via Instagram