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Your Friendly Neighbourhood Wood Spider

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Yesterday I was shooting for Canvas for Cancer and while I was waiting for the MUA to finish with the models I stepped out on the balcony to see the sun hitting this little guy's web at a pretty much perfect angle. I went back in to grab f1.4 35mm lens and this is the result.

And for those of you not familiar with the Canadian wood spider, here is short informational video from Wildlife Canada and the National Film Board of Canada on some experiments done on wood spiders in the 1960's:

The shoot itself went well and I am really happy with some of the images, but contractually I can't show them until after the charity auction, next fall.

There was one horrific moment in the shoot where I managed subject my camera to a two-foot drop and snapped the mount off one of my lenses. Standing there, looking at my lens in two pieces on the floor was a little disheartening, but I swapped lenses and finished the shoot. I first I thought I was going to be out the cost of the lens (and, friends, lenses are not cheap.) However some time with my watchmaker's tools and some cyanoacrylate glue and the lens is fully functional again.

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